
2015 opengl sockets multiplayer

In my 10th grade Computer Science class, we got to choose our own final projects, and being the show-off that I was, I decided to implement a simple 2D PC game with networked multiplayer.

The idea was that I could wow the class by letting the entire lab play together in real-time. Pew is a simple arena deathmatch game, where players gain experience for destroying other players, and upgrade through the tiers of spaceships with new weapons for each rank. (It turns out that from a game design standpoint, the gameplay doesn’t work as designed, at all. It’s no fun and makes no sense. But it is a neat demo.)

The graphics were implemented via the OpenTK .NET bindings for OpenGL, and the multiplayer was a client-server model using the Lidgren.Network library. I hardly knew anything about networking at the time - but at least I knew not to use TCP!